Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Grit - Resilience and the Competencies at New Windsor School

Grit - Resilience and the Competencies at New Windsor School

I feel like I'm all about my professional readings at the moment.  Last week our SLT/TL looked at the first couple of Chapters of 'Grit' by Angela Duckworth. I try and select professional readings based around the school value/competency that is a focus not only for the children but also for the staff.  This term it is resilience. 

Resilience is such a great fit at the moment with all of the disruptions from COVID-19 and it has been incredibly timely for me to loop back to this text and to refresh my thoughts at both a leadership level for the staff but also how your develop and teach Grit for students (and my own children).  

Interestingly when we completed our review of our values/competencies last year, resilience was the leading choice for a competency that all stakeholders (teachers, parents, Board of Trustees) saw as important for our students.  Guess what... the research says the same thing!

The background to Angela Duckworth's book "Grit' is the following...

Grit : Angela Duckworth : 9781785040207

Can you predict academic success or whether a child will graduate from High School and University?... You can, but not how you might think. When Angela studied people in various challenging situations including a National Spelling Bee (it's an American study), beginning teachers in challenging situations, and the West Point cadets she found - one characteristic emerged as a significant predictor of success.  It wasn't good looks, physical health, and it wasn't IQ.  It was GRIT! 

When I think back to University it is interesting to note that many of the super intelligent students often struggled when required to show independence or the ability to complete tasks and manage themselves.  I have also watched some incredibly natural and talented students not reach their potential.  I am also now at an age when I have seen some far less 'talented' students go on to do some amazing things.  Makes you ponder....

So of course the next question is can we teach Grit?... why yes we can....

1.  Reading books to children about Grit (and effort.  

2.  Talk about Grit/Resilience.  I think watching Angela Duckworth Ted Talk (with older students) would be very valuable.  Much the same way as it is for adults.  

3.  Talking about examples from my own life and famous sports people who have show grit and have gone on to succeed.  I really enjoyed hearing how Richie McCaw wasn't the most talented athlete - but was incredibly hard-working!

4.  Helping our children (and staff) to develop a Growth mindset.  

5.  We are currently working through the process of developing our own school learning pit and explaining to students (staff) that the struggle is rewarding/natural part of problem solving and learning. 

6.  Giving our children the opportunity to struggle and problem solve. 

So today I'll close with a thought from Charles Darwin, who in 1851 expressed that 'zeal and hard-work are ultimately far more important than intellectual ability'.  

Angela Duckworth would agree with Mr Darwin and her research confirms that effort counts for twice as much as talent.... and I'm sure many of us know this as well!

Thanks for reading.  


Thursday, March 4, 2021

The Forty- Hour Principal... does such a thing exist?...


The Forty- Hour Principal... does such a thing exist?...

Reading all the amazing classroom blogs this afternoon has motivated me on a couple of levels...

1) An attack of the guilts for not posting last week.  How did I miss that calendar reminder?... ECK!!  

2) Looking at all the great learning going on in the classes made me proud of the teachers and their journey with both Distance Learning and also giving new things a go.  

3) And most importantly looking at the beautiful pictures of students enjoying their learning at home.  It is 100% about the kids!  Hopefully, you don't think that's cheesy... but it is!


A bit of fortuitous timing but my new professional reading turned up last week. It's called "The Forty-Hour Principal" and the quick overview is 

* Challenging the way I lead the school (always good to have something to provoke deeper thought, I figure)

* Expose the truth about why you do some of the stuff you really shouldn't ("expose" is interesting isn't it.... clearly some more deep thinking is going to happen)

* Share ways to make this crazy, all-consuming job we do better - better for the kids, and better for you.  Sounds like a win/win here doesn't it!  

Anyway I am up to Chapter 11 and as promised I am doing lots of great reflection on how I do things, for myself and the impact it has on others.  Chapter 4 and 5 looks at emotions and I really connected with those Chapters and I'm working on looking at Gratefulness in my life at both school and home.  Taking the time to take stock and think what I am loving here...

School Gratefulness

At the risk of starting with lots of surface level choices...

* The painting - I love that every day that I go to school feels like another episode of changing rooms. I am looking forward to the installation of our new signage and seeing our 'The New Windsor Way' integrated and visible in our learning environment.  

* The MURAL - it's beautiful and I'm so grateful that we were able to get this project off the ground.  This is bigger than the NWS school community and I hope it brings lots of people JOY! Given that I understand that New Windsor Road/Maioro are the 8th and 9th busiest roads in NZ we can anticipate that it's going to have a big audience daily! 

* The Shade System and Turf -  I love the practicality of a turf for children and I am looking forward to the install of our new turf installation beginning shortly.  

I was talking to a Principal from another school yesterday aand I was waxing lyrical about how lucky we were with our wonderful facilities - great pool, Hall/Auditorium, new Shade System, classroom upgrades, even a beautiful view.  As you can imagine he got over my bragging - emotional intelligence reminder, don't thrust it down people's throats.  

So as you can see I have a whole lotta love!  

.....Next time I am going to talk about the learning and our great teachers.  

I promise to not skip past that calendar reminder.  

Lisa - Miss H


Balance in the Week - Great Professional Learning

Balance in the Week - Great Professional Learning I've heard it said that Lockdown can be a bit of a rollercoaster.  The weeks are up an...