Lockdown - Alert Level 4. Here We Go (Again)
So much can change in the blink of an eye! Today marks the third day of Alert Level 4 Lockdown for Auckland.
I am going to use this "opportunity" to get up to date with my blogging and to commit to a daily blog. Let's see how I go with that!
Reflections... What a week! In the words of Ron Burgundy, "That escalated quickly." But there is a #winoftheweek to be found everywhere.
My wins of the week are:
* Family time - you can't beat it.
* Sunshine (18 month old puppy) is enjoying having us at home, and over the past two days we've been out for 2x, 2 hour walks. * Photo credit to Lily, who took this picture of Sunshine for one of her Distance Learning tasks.
* The amazing responsiveness from our school community to adapt to the sudden changes.
* Our teaching team has have 'pivoted' so quickly to move to online connection and learning.
* The NWS Senior Leadership Team - who get on and do their thing. Everyone doing their bit for the collective good
* Catching up on some admin that I've been remiss with over the past few weeks.
* Sean is back into the swing of yummy lockdown dinners. Tacos tonight.
Look after yourselves, I special thought to our Lynfield College Community at the moment who are right in the middle of the COVID-19 hotspot!
Be kind, be strong, be you.
Even though another Lockdown was never completely out of the question, it still comes as a surprise, and this was one super fast...farewelled my class on the Tuesday with no idea that they wouldn't be back on the Wednesday! But yes. you can't beat family time, and truth be spoken, I really enjoy the restful, tranquil calmness of everything as the planet breathes again. I was thinking just yesterday that we must have a whole heap of new birds in our area as the birdsong was everywhere and loud! Then I realised that we had the same amount of birds as before, just not the noise pollution from traffic. It's the best thing, waking up and having your morning coffee whilst being serenaded by nature. Keep safe and warm in your bubble!