Friday, February 19, 2021

Getting Started with Blogging

Getting Started with Blogging 

It's been a while since I've looked Blogging and when I reflected back I was a bit alarmed at how long it's been since I've looked at fact I don't think I'll even admit to the number of years. It's a bit of a window into how long I've been doing this job.  

It's time...

I'm really not a procrastinator... well mostly.  But I've been a bit slow off the bat with this whole 'blogging' business.  I actually popped it on my 'To Do List' for Term 4 last year and it's quite unlike me to leave something like this sitting there that long.  I worked out what the barrier was last week in Maria's and Paulette's excellent 'Getting Started Session'.  I like everything to look good, and I that I needed to dedicate some time to how I would like the blog to look and feel.  So today's the day... I've made a start on the school newsletter, updated the Principals Report for the Board and time to start cracking on my blog.  

I decided I would start with some inspiration - I checked out "45 Things I Wish I Knew Before Starting a Blog: How to Start a Blog for Free in 2021 and Get to 400,000 Visits/Month, Like We Did".  That was a bit overwhelming, so I scaled it back to Blogging Tips for Beginners.  Definitely more my style.  

So in true Lisa fashion, I'll now spend 10 minutes on content and some inordinate amount of time making it look pretty  

* Template choice
* Need a picture 

The goal amongst the staff and students is to aim for one blog post a week, and then to reassess and check our audience, purpose etc... I am going to pop a calendar reminder into my calendar so I can keep on top of this goal for the term.  

Until next week....
Miss H
(I think I need to work on a sign off).  A suggestion from one of my tip pages. 

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